- Start in the Ready or “Joon Bi” stance
- Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left low block
- Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right hand middle punch
- Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right low block
- Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, left hand middle punch
- Turn left 90 degrees into a front stance with left foot forward, left low block, right middle punch
- Turn right 90 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, left inside block
- Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, right hand middle punch
- Turn left 180 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, right inside block
- Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, left hand middle punch
- Turn right 90 degrees into a front stance with right foot forward, right low block, left middle punch
- Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left high block
- Right front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with right foot forward, right middle punch
- Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right high block
- Left front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with left foot forward, left middle punch
- Turn right 90 degrees into a front stance with left foot forward, left low block
- Step forward into a front stance with right foot forward, right middle punch
- Yell Kihap!
- When the Master says “Bah Ro”, turn and face the Master